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100 Gal Pachira Aquatica for sale (Water Chestnut tree)100 Gal Pachira Aquatica for sale (Water Chestnut tree)

Pachira Aquatica

Water Chestnut

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Pachira Aquatica Tree Description

Pachira Aquatica (Water Chestnut) grows to a height of about 60 feet in the wild, but in cultivation is typically much shorter, often around 30 feet. Typically, it will produce very swollen trunks and has smooth greenish bark. Additionally, the crown is round, spreading and very dense. Leaves are dark green, evergreen, compound with 5 or more lance-shape leaflets, and overall 8 – 10 inches long.

Accordingly, flowers borne on inflorescences up to 14 inches long, almost hidden in the dense foliage. Blooms are 3 – 4 inches wide, with cream-color petals folding back to expose numerous stamens tips with crimson; which resemble a shaving brush. Furthermore, fruits are brown, woody pods reaching 12 inches in length and 5 inches in diameter, with tannish color seeds. Propagation is through seeds or cuttings, although they are also seeds are eaten raw, cooked or ground into flour for bread; leaves and flowers are likewise edible. Mostly they cultivate Pachira Aquatica for their seeds, which taste like chestnuts, giving the plant its other name.

Water Chestnut Tree Cultivation and Landscape Usage

Pachira Aquatica lives up to its water chestnut common name, growing well in poorly drained soils, swamps and along rivers. Although, it can be a larger specimen or accent tree in parks and gardens, it is also a popular potted bonsai house plant. As a bonsai, it may develop a bulbous trunk and be 3-4 feet tall; trained by braiding two trunks together to give it an unusual effect. Confusion exists about the identity of the woven-stemmed plants in the nursery trade, with french peanut (Pachira Glabra).

Other Name: Provision Tree

🌳Other popular and beautiful plants: Erythrina crista-galli tree.

Additional information


45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.

Florida Native

No, Not FL Native


Tropical America

Flowering Season

All Year

Flower Color


Salt Tolerance

Low Salt Tolerance

Drought Tolerance

Low to Moderate Drought Tolerance

Light Requirements

Full Sun to Partial Shade



Plant Type
