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Byrsonima Lucida

Locust Berry

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Byrsonima lucida (Locust Berry) is a small Florida native tree or shrub, about 5 to 15 feet (4.57 m) tall. It has an irregular, rounded or flat-topped, dense crown. Additionally, the trunk is short, with numerous ascending branches and thin bark that is pale brown. Interestingly, the bark is a host to epiphytes. Furthermore, the blue-green leaves are evergreen, opposite or sub opposite. The leaves are leathery, smooth and glossy above but dull below and 1 to 1 1/2 inches long.

The flowers of the Locust Berry tree are borne in clusters. These showy blooms change color from white to pink to crimson, and attract butterflies. The pea-sized, fleshy fruits are round and 1/2 inch long. The fruit is green ripening to red and attract birds. Also, the fruits are edible and persist on the tree. In addition, the bark and fruits have medicinal uses. The plant grows from seed.

Byrsonima lucida (Locust Berry) is adapted to different types of well-drained soils; it benefits from pruning. In addition to its value as a land reclamation plant, locust berry’s handsome foliage, flowers and fruits, make it effective as specimen plant. Screen, border planting and native plant species for parks and gardens are other uses of Locust Berry. It is a threatened tree in the wild (in Florida) because of habitat loss. Usually not affected by pests.

Additional information


25 gal., 45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.

Florida Native

Yes, FL Native


South Florida & The Caribbean

Flowering Season


Drought Tolerance

High Drought Tolerance

Light Requirements

Full Sun

Salt Tolerance

High Salt Tolerance

Flower Color




Plant Type


Common Name

Locust Berry

Growth Rate

Slow Growth Rate

Byrsonima lucida

Locust Berry

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


El Locust Berry, es un árbol o arbusto pequeño,nativo de la Florida, su altura va de 5 – 15 pies de altura, pero puede crecer más alto. Tiene una copa irregular moderada redondeada y en la parte superior es plana,. Los troncos generalmente son cortos, con numerosas ramas ascendentes; delgada corteza de color marrón pálido. A menudo una gran cantidad de epifitas. Las hojas son de color verde o azul-verde, árbol de hoja perenne, opuestas, cuero, suave y brillante por encima, y con un largo de 1 – 1 1/2 pulgadas. Las flores nacen en racimos, son vistosas y cambian de color de blanco a rosado y carmesí atrayendo mariposas. Las frutas son redondas, de 1/2 pulgada de largo, tienen el tamaño de un guisante carnoso y de maduración verde a rojo para atraer a las aves. Las frutas son comestibles y persisten en el árbol. La planta se cultiva a partir de semillas. La corteza y los frutos son de uso medicinal. Este árbol se adapta a diferentes tipos de suelos bien drenados y se beneficia de la poda. Por lo general, no se ve afectado por las plagas. Además de su valor como una planta de recuperación de tierras con hermoso follaje de bayas de algarrobo, flores y frutos es eficaz como planta para parques y jardines. Está amenazada en su hábitat natural en la Florida.

Additional information


25 galones, 65 galones, 100 galones, 200 galones, 300 galones

Florida Native

Si, es nativo de la Florida


Florida (sur) y el Caribe

Flowering Season


Drought Tolerance

Alta Tolerancia a la Sequia

Light Requirements

Exposición total al Sol

Salt Tolerance

Alta Tolerancia a la sal

Flower Color




Plant Type


Common Name

Locust Berry

Growth Rate

Tasa de crecimiento lenta