Eugenia Confusa (Redberry Stopper) is a small tree or tall shrub, reaching to 20 feet or more. The unusual common name comes from the use of a leaf tea taken to stop diarrhea.
This tree has a dense, oval, upright crown and smooth reddish-brown to gray mottled peeling bark. Additionally, leaves are opposite/sub-opposite, simple, entire, ovate, with a fine texture and approximately 2 to 4 inches long; new leaves are reddish-green. Moreover, flowers are borne in dense, axillary clusters with small blooms, of white and yellow stamens; inconspicuous and fragrant. Also, fruits are subglobose and very showy red when ripe and measure about .25 inches long. They are edible and attract birds and other wildlife; they are the means for propagation.
Eugenia Confusa (Redberry Stopper) grows well in sandy limestone soils that are well-drained. And it requires pruning to shape into a tree form or a tall privacy shrub. This plant has no serious pest or disease problems.
Finally, Redberry Stopper is a good choice for small garden or patio areas, along roadways, highway medians and parking lot islands. Although fruits can make a mess on sidewalks. It is appropriate for coastal areas and in a native plant garden. Additionally wood is suitable in carpentry and cabinets.
Eugenia Confusa is endangered as a wild plant in Florida.