African baobab tree description
The African Baobab tree is the most renowned of the 9 species of Adansonia. The Adansonia Digitata species occurs in Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, and Australia. In habitat, it is a huge, strange, and grotesque tree. Bottle-shaped baobab reaches 70 feet (21.34 m) in height, and up to 35 feet (10.67 m) in diameter. The inner trunk wood is soft and porous, storing water for the dry season. It has sparse branches, a spreading crown, moderately dense, rounded, or irregular. The deciduous leaves are olive to dark green, palmate compound, with 5 to 7 leaflets. Each leaf is 2 inches (5.08 cm) to 6 inches (15.24 cm) long; borne in clusters at branch ends. Baobab sheds leaves during the dry season, and flowering occurs before the new leaves sprout.
Moreover, the large white flowers are about 8 inches (20.32 cm) in diameter, short-lived, suspended on long stalks. Also, the large hairy fruit is a yellow-brown capsule. The capsule is on a long stalk, and up to 8 inches (20.32 cm) long. The fruit contains dry pulp and numerous seeds. Baobab’s nectar has a carrion odor that attracts fruit bats. Importantly, propagation is through seeds and cuttings.
African baobab provides nutritional traditional food. The leaves, pulp, and seeds are edible and are fed to livestock. The bark yields a useful fiber and the trunk wood can be carved into a canoe. Learn more about African baobab use on our blog.
Adansonia Digitata tree cultivation
African baobab tree prefers sandy soils and has a shallow but extensive root system. However, in the new world, this tree behaves differently. For instance, its growth is more rapid and the foliage stays for longer periods. This tree is statuesque, and its hefty structure makes it a striking landscape tree. Adansonia Digitata tree is a defining icon for any home with a large back and front yard. It is ideal for recreational parks, or botanical gardens.
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