Ficus Benghalensis (Banyan Tree) is a massive tree in terms of height and spread, it is said to have the largest canopy of any tree in the world. Banyan grows to a height of 100 feet, the canopy spreads with massive limbs and prop roots up to 300 feet!
Banyan Tree Description
The Banyan begins life as an epiphyte on a host tree, typically the seeds were deposited by birds. Additionally, when Banyan aerial roots reach the ground, they form separate but connected trees. Once numerous new trunks are formed, the trees become a small forest. The crown of the tree is irregular with dense foliage. While the leaves are leathery, ovate, shiny green, smooth above and velvety below, and 5 to 10 inches long.
Landscape Applications of Ficus Benghalensis
Furthermore, the flowers are borne in pairs, yellow in color but inconspicuous. Moreover, the flowers are pollinated by specialty wasps. Fruits are cherry-sized, pink to red, globose, downy and edible, containing numerous very small seeds. The fruits attract birds which disperse the tiny seeds. All parts of the plant have a milky latex.
In Asia Ficus Benghalensis (Banyan Tree) has numerous medicinal uses and is considered a sacred tree. Propagation is by seed or cuttings. Banyan will grow on most any soil type, dry to wet. It is best grown as a container plant so its growth can be managed. In the ground it is only practical to cultivate it in a large park or botanical garden. The tree produces a considerable amount of litter.
Other popular and beautiful plants: Ficus Aurea.