Jacaranda Mimosifolia Tree Description
Jacaranda Mimosifolia (Blue Jacaranda) is one of the most popular ornamental trees; widely grown in the subtropics and tropics throughout the world. The tree grows to a height of 15 to over 50 feet and has spreading arching branches; displaying a vase-shaped, irregular, open crown. The thin bark is light gray, smooth when the tree is young but becoming scaly with age. The green alternate bipinnate leaves are soft and delicate, indeed like a mimosa, and up to 18 inches in length, leaflets about 2 inches in length. Blue to purple flowers are borne as dense terminal clusters up to 10 inches long with individual tubular blooms about an inch in length.
Furthermore, the flowers remain on the tree for as much as 2 months. The fruits of Jacaranda Mimosifolia are 1-3 inch long brown round pods.
Blue Jacaranda Tree Cultivation and Landscape Usage
Propagation may be from cuttings, grafting, or seed. In cultivation the tree needs well-drained soils but can withstand dry periods; it is frost-sensitive but established trees can tolerate brief below freezing conditions.
Jacaranda Mimosifolia has wide landscape use in lawns, as a street tree, for partial shade in gardens and in large planters; it is plentiful in the nursery trade and low price. Pruning is necessary to prevent over branching and to maintain a central leader when young. Because of the litter from flowering, the tree is not recommended for planting near a swimming pool.
Other names: Blue Jacaranda tree
Other popular and beautiful plants: Blue mahoe tree.