Pimenta Racemosa Tree for Sale | Treeworld Wholesale
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Pimenta Racemosa (Bush)


Bay Rum


Pimenta Racemosa Tree description

Pimenta Racemosa (Bayrum Tree) Bush is a medium size tree 12 – 36 feet tall but can be taller under ideal conditions. It has upright branches and a dense, columnar or pyramidal crown. Also, it has attractive smooth grayish to light brown aromatic bark peeling off to reveal pinkish underbark.

Additionally, leaves are dark green, leathery, glossy above dull below, entire, obovate in shape, 2 – 6 inches long;  containing an aromatic essential oil. Furthermore flowers are white with many stamens, fragrant, about 3/8 inch wide and borne in rounded clusters. And, fruits are ovoid, black at maturity, 3/8 – 1/2 inch long containing 1 – 4 seeds. The seeds are also fragrant and used as a substitute for allspice, as well as for propagation.

Also, oil is extract from the leaves has multiple uses in fragrances, cosmetics, medicine and for aromatherapy; and Pimenta Racemosa (Bayrum Tree) bush wood has multiple uses in carpentry and for fence posts. In cultivation, the tree does well in fertile well-drained soils.

Pimenta Racemosa application in the landscape

Furthermore in landscapes, as a backyard tree, street tree, open public spaces and recently in south florida to create screens of natural privacy hedges, grown with multiple trunks and branching to the ground to achieve the most density. And, Fairchild tropical garden highly recommends this tree for the landscape in the Miami area. Several varieties of bay rum have been recognized.

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