Taxodium distichum tree description
Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) is a large deciduous coniferous tree native to Florida. In its swamp habitat the tree can reach a height of 130 feet. Bald Cypress has a thick trunk which is enlarged and buttressed at the base. The bark is reddish gray or brown and peels off in strips. Young trees have a pyramid-shaped crown but as the tree ages it develops a flat top and a spreading crown. The flat leaves of the Bald Cypress are alternate, soft feathery needles about 3/4 inch long. In addition, the light green leaves turning brown before falling.
Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) blooming and cultivation
Furthermore, the fruits are small wrinkled cones about 1 inch in diameter. Its seeds are used for propagation. Although it is a swamp tree, bald cypress will thrive in normal well-drained soils. It is a valuable timber tree, since cypress wood is esteemed because it is light-colored, easy to work with and resistant to decay.
In landscaping, bald cypress is an attractive specimen tree because of its attractive foliage and fall color. Importantly, because of its potential large size it is best grown in expansive lawns or parks. Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) does produce a considerable amount of litter as the leaves turn brown and fall off as they age.
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