Calyptranthes Pallens Tree Description
Calyptranthes Pallens Spicewood is named because of its unique spicy fragrance. It is a small tree that reaches a height of 10 to 15 feet (4.57 meters). It has clumping stems and develops an upright dense oval crown with smooth pale brown mottled bark.
Furthermore, its simple ovate leaves are opposite or subopposite. The entire, flat leaves have rusty hairs when young. The leaves tend to turn into a darker green above and measure 2 to 4 inches (10.16 cm) long. Also, greenish-white semi-showy fragrant flowers are borne in terminal clusters 2 to 3 inches (7.62 cm) long. The blooms have numerous long white stamens and don’t have petals. In addition, the small edible showy fruits are globose. The fruits are about .5 inch in diameter, red ripening to black, and attract birds. For propagation purposes use the seeds. In Addition, the leaves serve for medicinal purposes in the form of tea.
Calyptranthes Pallens Spicewood Cultivation And Landscape Application
Furthermore, Calyptranthes Pallens tree tolerates a range of well-drained soils. Although, Spicewood does best in moist soils with organic matter. It has no pests or diseases of concern. In landscaping, Calyptranthes Pallens is either pruned into a single- or multi- trunk tree, shrub, espalier or excellent hedge. We recommend you use Spicewood in buffer strips around parking lots, or median strips. You can also use it as a border plant or accent plant in the garden. In Florida, State Classification Listing identify Spicewood as threatened.
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