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3 Tips to pick the right trees for your landscape

Landscape Design Project Tips

So, it looks like you have decided to transform that empty corner in your yard with flowering shrubs. Or maybe you are tired of the prying eyes of your neighbors and want to plant some trees for privacy. No matter the reason, planting trees for your landscape can be a great way to create a beautiful and inviting outdoor space. You can also use trees for shade, to mark your entrance, or add structure to your yard.

Choosing a tree to plant takes a bit of time and effort, because it is so much more than just picking out a few plants for your patio. Whether you are looking for trees to build a new landscape or enhance your existing one, there are hundreds of species and varieties for you to choose from. And that makes finding the right tree a bit of a challenge. Moreover, adding trees to your yard can also be a significant financial investment.

To make sure that you find the best trees to plant in your yard, here are a few things you need to keep in mind.

landscape design project infographic tips

How to Pick a Tree For Your Yard? Tree Selection Guide

Consider the Planting Area

When choosing a tree for your garden, one of the most critical things you need to consider is the size and location of the planting area. For instance, you need to determine the width of the space where you wish to plant the tree(s). Do you have a specific spot in mind? If you do, you need to make sure that it will allow enough room for the tree to grow without any restrictions. In addition to the width, you should also consider the height. Are there powerlines overhead? Are there any other tall trees nearby that may prove to be a hindrance? Will the tree end up entering your home? These are some important questions you need to ask before you purchase any tree for your yard.

For instance, at TreeWorld Wholesale we mostly manage 6 sizes (25 gallons, 45 gallons, 65 gallons, 100 gallons, 200 gallons and 300 gallons), but keep in mind that each species (come from the same genus) has a different growth habit, so sizes vary from specie to specie. Taking into consideration along with the type of tree you’re planting if you want it in a Standard form o prefer a multi trunk or a bush. All these characteristics are important when selecting the right tree for you.

Think about what you want the trees to do for your landscape

Ornamental Trees

ornamental trees selection treeworld

An easy way to narrow down your tree search is to determine what you want it to do for your landscape. How would you like it to contribute to your outdoor space? Different types of trees offer different functions. There are ornamental trees that are planted by themselves and are intended as focal points in the garden or yard. Good examples of these trees are the Lignum Vitae trees, one of them the Guaiacum Officinale; best known as the “tree of life” thanks to its undisputed beauty. Or the Japanese Fern Tree (Filicium Decipiens) and Lorito Tree (pithecellobium arboreum) with outstanding foliage. Another genus, the Handroanthus group formerly known as the Tabebuia with colorful trumpet shaped flowers. Those are just a couple of examples that can help get the task done.

Shade Trees

shade trees selection treeworld

Furthermore, there are shade trees that, as the name suggests, are for shade. This category of trees for your landscape is really important, specially in South Florida and the Caribbean. A great example when you’re thinking of shade trees is the Bridalveil tree (Caesalipinia Granadillo); which not only provides shade but helps builds the most magical promenades. On the other hand, if you are in the market for a flowering shade tree, you can choose a Royal Poinciana (Delonix Regia), brightening the space with beautiful red or yellow flowers, depending on the variation. But if you want yellow flowering you might also want to consider the Copperpod Tree (Peltophorum Pterocarpum).

Finally, you might also want to consider the outstanding Florida Native, Wild Tamarind (Lysiloma Latisiliquum).  Featuring a dense crown of its exemplary feathery-like foliage, that spreads out  with many arching branches forming an umbrella shape canopy. That becomes broader with age.

shade trees 200 Gal Lysiloma Latisiliquum - Wild tamarind

Nonetheless,  if your landscape project has a large area to cover you can even consider including a Banyan Tree (Ficus Benghalensis) which has the biggest spread of all and makes almost a forest on its own thank to its aerial root habit.

Windbreak Trees

windbreak bush selection treeworld

How to pick a tree for your yard? The good idea is windbreak trees, which provide protection against winds and storms, or screening trees. You might want to consider bayrum trees (Pimenta Racemosa) for its structural columnar growth habit. Or Calophyllum Brasielinsis (Braizl Beautyleaf) if you want to add volume. This list is quite extensive as it includes several Florida natives as the Simpson Stopper (Myrcianthes Fragans), Eugenia Rhombea (Red Stopper), Eugenia Foetida (Spanish Stopper), Canella Winterana (Cinammon Bark), Capparis Cynophallophora (Jamaican Caper), Calyptranthes zuzygium (Myrtle Of The River)  among other options.

Consider growing conditions

Finally, the growing conditions play a major role in determining how well your trees will grow or if they will grow. Take stock of the growing conditions of the intended planting site, including its soil type.  The amount of light it receives, moisture content, and so on. This is important because some trees thrive in heavy clay soil, while others need loose, sandy soil. You should either buy a tree that matches your growing conditions or change the conditions around the planting site; to make them more suited to the tree you wish to buy.

Not Sure How To Choose a Tree To Plant For You? Contact Us!

TreeWorld Wholesale offers a selection of over 300+ high-quality trees, including various types of palm trees for sale, shrubs, so much more. Contact us for more information! And feel free to browse through our website to discover all that we have to offer.