Bridal Veil Tree (Caesalpinia Granadillo): Description & Lanscaping | Treeworld Wholesale
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Landscape Wonder: Bridalveil Tree

bridal veil tree photo

There are elements that, however subtle they may be, have the power to transform. This is exactly what the Bridalveil Tree (Caesalpinia Granadillo) does. And is that this Venezuelan native is one of a kind when it comes to turning spaces around. How would it not? Who does not dream with a lush, scenic garden?  Embellished with a moderate- fine tracery of branches grow up to an open round to vase shape crown.  And feature tiny, delicate leaves and small yellow blooms filling the canopy like little lights. Right?

Caesalpinia Granadillo - Bridal Veil - landscape application photo

Bridal Veil Tree Care And Characteristics

And believe us, if your decision is to include the Bridalveil Tree in your landscape project is something you will not regret. At TreeWorld we know that this tree is clear-cut when it comes to redefining spaces. But before we jump deeper into the subject, we need to cover the basics.

First, it is important to note that this evergreen tree is highly drought tolerant and enjoys full sun. It’s round to vase like canopy creates the perfect space for shade and finally it has also proven to be the ideal ornamental plant. Average spread on mature specimen varies form 25-35 ft. The Caesalpinia Granadillo also known as the Bridal Veil tree, has taken the spotlight in the South Florida and the Caribbean thanks to its alluring appeal. The recommended USDA hardiness zones are 10B through 11

Caesalpinia Granadillo – All About Structure

Delicate but fiercely strong. Are adjectives you might consider when referring to this beautiful tree. And is that you shouldn’t be fooled by its dainty appearance as it’s known for its strong wood and hardiness once its established. But delicate enough at sight to create them most beautiful silhouette as if the tree itself was a sculpture. Reaching up to an average of 25 – 30 feet height on South Florida, with upright branches that lead up to most beautiful foliage.  When planning your project, you need to keep its average height in mind and don’t be fooled by its appearance as it falls under the category of a medium to large size tree.

Caesalpinia Granadillo - Bridalveil - Specimen - landscape photo

Furthermore, the tree has habit to form multi-trunk shape but you must know that you can find the Caesalpinia Granadillo, in its standard (std) form with single leader trunk or in its multi-trunk version; it all depends on what you’re looking for.

Now tracing back to our structure idea, we must emphasize the outcome of this tropical tree once is planted in groupings. Creating the most harmonious visual lines and setting magical promenades. Perfect not only for private projects but for urban planning, they are great for paved public walks, like ones along the seafront or at a resort. And the best part about this summer-blooming tree is that its pods and blooms on dropping do not create a mess


promenades Caesalpinia Granadillo - Bridalveil tree photo

Eye-Catching Texture of Bridal Veil Tree

With its striking slender trunk, and a smooth, reddish-brown exfoliating bark that peels off to reveal a creamy to pale green surface. That really manages to set this tree apart. As it creates a landscape texture, highlighting its attributes and playing nicely with the green tones that tend to go with. Moreover, these types of trees, with exfoliating barks are great in spaces that will get a lot of attention, hence beautiful promenades. As this feature is captivating and tends to shine, especially during colder months when foliage from other trees has fallen, or many have entered their semi-deciduous phase.

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If you like to look further on the subject you might want to consider other interesting exfoliating bark species like Caesalpinia Ferrea (Leopard Tree), Pimenta Racemosa (Bayrum tree),  Lagerstroemia Speciosa (Queen Crape Myrtle), among other options.

Why Caesalpinia Granasillo is called Bridal Veil Tree?

Finally, but not less important the reason the Caesalpinia Granadillo is known as the Bridalveil tree. For its stunning foliage. Finely textured, small oval bright green leaves, that are arranged in feather-like patterns on slim stems resembling lace; delicately woven as a bridal veil. As its common names precedes.  Leaves are arranged in way that creates magic. Exposing just enough to let some light in. Where the delicate foliage plays between the breeze, sun and shadow.

Creating one of the best shade trees for Florida. Perfect for for side lawns, parkways or other spaces where it will create a pleasing accent without crowding the landscape. Plus, roots aren’t invasive which is ideal for street planting. And, to top this unique scene, bright yellow blooms, that pop out in summer and sometimes stay all-through winter, making this tree even more attractive.

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So, if you’re investing on a change, and looking into adding magic to your spaces the Bridalveil tree (Caesalpinia Granadillo) is your go to tree. Structure, texture, daunting foliage, alluring appeal; this tree really has it all. And the best of all you can find it at TreeWorld with the quality that sets us apart. We grow the Caesalpinia Granadillo from 25 gallons, 45 gallons, 65 gallons, 100 gallons, 200 gallons and 300 gallons; as single trunk or multi-trunk. Check out specification chart for average measurements.

TreeWorld Availability of Caesalpinia Granadillo

At TreeWorld Wholesale we have 300+ options of native and plenty of non-native but performing up to the expectations; for you to choose from. So, if you have any further questions or are considering any other species for your project; please do not hesitate to contact us!