Top 5 Best Seller Trees 2022 | Treeworld Wholesale
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Top 5 Best Seller Trees 2022

top 5 best seller trees 2022

As days go by and we are officially closing a challenging, but great 2022, we want to take run through on TreeWorlds’ best seller trees. 

At our tree farms we offer over 300+ species ready for your landscape project, a wide portfolio of palms, trees and shrubs. Many of these are native to South Florida and the Caribbean and suitable to the area. As in a continuous research effort, we are always looking into what species of trees, and size will be required in the future. 

Guaranteeing the best performance considering the geographic location. If there is something we can be proud of is the quality of our trees. And the fact that we go and extra mile when it comes to the tree  selection, vowing only best performance tree material, making sure to meet the landscape project requirement. 

Top 5 Best Seller Trees

1. Bayrum Tree – Pimenta Racemosa

Our number one best seller trees in the Caribbean Bay Rum Tree (Pimenta Racemosa). With an enviable foliage, handsome exfoliating trunk and a crushing citrus aroma. This evergreen has definitely become a trending element in the South Florida landscape. 

Either as a standard, single trunk or in its multi-trunk nature, they Pimenta Racemosa will guarantee a breathtaking display. Growing to an average height of 36’ feet, this gorgeous evergreen has upright branches and a dense, columnar or pyramidal crown. And a  lush green display of stiff leathery leaves, with white delicate and fluffy, fragrant flowers, and  small berrylike inedible fruit.

This tree has several options and applications in landscaping, it is a great backyard and street tree, perfect for open public spaces and recently in South Florida to create screens of natural privacy hedges, grown with multiple trunks and branching to the ground to achieve the most density. Besides  Fairchild Tropical Garden highly recommends this tree for the landscape in the Miami area.

You can find the Bayrum tree at our nursery at 25-gallons, 45-gallons, 65-gallons, 100-gallons, 200-gallons and 300-gallons. But our years bestsellers 200-gallons and 65-gallons in that order. 

Check our specification chart index to gather more details of the tree. 

2. Brazil Beautylfeaf – Calophyllum Brasiliensis

Closely behind, and stepping into the second position the Brazilian native Calophyllum Brasiliensis also known as Brazil Beauty Leaf. An clearly on of our best seller trees.

With a broad growth habit and a dense round crown that adds to its fuller appearance. This full sun lover displays a set of leathery, dark glossy green leaves. That from time to time flush in tints of red with the appearance of new leaves, spiking its appearance. Although it doesn’t have a pronounced flowering habit, it does timidly show inflorescences that are 3 to 4 inches long. Which transforms into numerous aromatic white blooms about 1/2 inch wide. Adding magic and allure to this tree, making a perfect option

The Calophyllum Brasiliensis has many landscape uses, but is definitely one of our top choices when it comes to build a  privacy hedge. Especially when the requirement is to fill large volumetric areas. Different from the Bayrum tree that has a columnar shape and is best for narrow. 

Nonetheless, one of our top Mix and Match sellers of the year is the combination between both of them. Find at our tree farms both multi-trunk and standard tree of 25-gallons, 45-gallons, 65-gallons, 100-gallons, 200-gallons and 300-gallons. But our years bestsellers 100-gallons and 65-gallons in that order. 

Check our specification chart index to gather more details of the tree. 

3. Leopard Tree – Caesalpinia Ferrea 

If you are thinking about attracting attention, our third runner is definitely a charmer.  The Caesalpinia Ferrea  also known as Leopard Tree is considered to be of moderate size, reaching approximately 40’ FT  feet  in nature. Its bark is probably the most attractive feature of the tree. With dark brown, off-white and green patterned forms patches, that resembles the spots of a leopard. 

The short trunks is a result of the branching habit of the Leopard Tree that starts off close to the base. And develops a broad, open, flat-topped crown, of bipinnate, mid-green, oval and 6 to 7 inches (17.78 cm) long. New leaves have a rusty brown color. During summer its wide canopy is topped bell-shaped lone yellow tiny blooms creating a compelling display. Which is later joined by the  brown pods with several seeds.

Find the Caesalpinia Ferrea TreWorld in 25-gallons, 45-gallons, 65-gallons, 100-gallons, 200-gallons and 300-gallons. But our years bestsellers 200-gallons. If you require specifications on the different sizes please request a quote or contact us. 

4. Bridalveil tree – Caesalpinia Granadillo 

200 Gal - Caesalpinia Granadillo - Bridalveil tree best seller trees

We have previously referred to this tree as a Landscape Wonder, and it’s that the Bridalveil tree (Caesalpinia Granadillo) has the power of turning spaces around. The Venezuelan native is of moderate size and reaches an approximate height of 30 feet.  With an  open round to a round vase-shape crown, its canopy holds a delicate tracery of branches. That feature outstanding feathery leaves and small yellow blooms filling the canopy like twinkling lights. Resulting in a  fine-textured foliage that gives the tree, its common name resembles the sheer stitches of bridalveil. 

The Caesalpinia Granadillo (Bridalveil tree)  is a great addition to any landscape! With a striking slender trunk and a smooth, reddish brown bark that peels off to reveal a creamy to green pale surface. Completing itself in a symbiotic manner with the small oval and bright green leaves, of the arranged foliage in feather-like manner.

With time the Bridalveil tree (Caesalpinia Granadillo) has earned the reputation of being one of the best shade trees in South Florida. Perfect for for side lawns, parkways or other spaces where it will create a pleasing accent without crowding the landscape. And it is the unequivocal winner when it comes to building promenades, they are pure magic. Plus, the roots aren’t invasive which is ideal for street planting.

We grow the Caesalpinia Granadillo from 25 gallons, 45 gallons, 65 gallons, 100 gallons, 200 gallons and 300 gallons; as single trunk or multi-trunk. Our 2022 top-seller was the 200-gallon standard form. 

Check our specification chart index to gather more details of the tree. 

5. Banyan Tree – Ficus Benghalensis 

banyan tree 300 gallons

Number five on our countdown of our top best seller trees is the colossal  Banyan Tree (Ficus Benghalensis)! Both immense in terms of height and spread, it is said to have the largest canopy of any tree in the world. Banyan grows to a height of 100 feet, the canopy spreads with massive limbs and prop roots up to 300 feet. There is nothing subtle about this large tree with broad green leaves and a canopy spread that opens out with its mighty limbs and prop roots. 

Besides, the  Banyan tree begins life as an epiphyte on a host tree, and typically seeds are deposited and dispersed by birds. So when the aerial roots reach the ground, they form separate but connected trees. All in one Ficus Benghalensis, becoming a small forest on its own, once numerous new trunks are formed. Featuring an irregular crown with dense foliage. Loaded with leathery, shiny green ovate leaves; which are  smooth above and velvety below, and measure 5 to 10 inches long.

A bold addition to a Landsacpe Project, but is definitely worth it as this best seller trees is breathtaking.

Find Banyan Tree (Ficus Benghalensis) at our tree nursery  in  25-gallons, 45-gallons, 65-gallons, 100-gallons, 200-gallons and 300-gallons. Our 2022 best seller was the 300-gallon. 

Check our specification chart index to gather more details of the tree. 


Pitch Apple – Clusia Rosea 

pitch apple tree 300 Gal - Clusia Rosea

Breaking close to our top-5 best sellers, the Florida native has earned a place in the landscape of South Florida. The spreading, densely foliated,  low branching Pitch Apple features dark, green, and leathery thick leaves. Each of them measure 8 to 12 by 4 to 8 inches.

In addition to its attractive leaves, the Clusia Rosea has ornamental value due to its flowers and fruits that are present year-round. As the white and pink flowers borne on the branch tips are  2 to 3 inches wide and very showy. Followed along by the fleshy, light green fruit. The tree is also known to be a rugged tree, tolerant of various soil types, although it grows faster in moist soils. It has high salt and drought tolerance, which also makes it a great choice for front-line plant. It makes a great windbreak especially and if you want it to have and airtight barrier we recommend mixing it in with the Norohnia Emarginata; a phenomenal duo.   

Find it on our tree farms both multi-trunk and standard tree of 25-gallons, 45-gallons, 65-gallons, 100-gallons, 200-gallons and 300-gallons. But our years best seller trees 300-gallons. Check out the specifications chart for both standard form and multi-trunk.

Don’t forget we are your best tree source! contact us @ 305-245-6886 or visit our tree farms in Homestead, Florida