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Uses Of Trees

Uses Of The Trees

Some of the uses of the trees give us wood and paper. But most ignore that aspirin – now synthesized in the laboratory. – But had its origin in the white willow, when in 1829 a French pharmacist, Pierre-Joseph Leroux, gather extract from it the salicin, its main component.

Uses of Trees: Medicine

Or that the tree is also an ally in the fight against cancer. Taxol (paclitaxel), an anticancer agent to treat tumors; specially of the breast, ovary, lung, bladder, prostate, esophagus and also against melanoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Created in 1968 from a compound extracted from the bark of the yew of the Pacific (Taxus brevifolia); a conifer that grows on the northwest Pacific coast of the United States.

There is also another large number of natural remedies that are from flowers, leaves, resin or latex trees. Including diuretics, relaxing and vasodilators.

Shade and Moisture for the Environment

uses of trees Samanea saman (syn. Albizia saman)

Furthermore, there is shade. As the shade that the trees provide is vital to resist the high temperatures; that can be found in arid places. And also they help moisturize the environment. Mainly, because the plants are constantly removing water vapor from the leaves of their branches, they cool the air and moisten it.

Uses of Trees Against Pollution

Along with that, they also help decrease levels of pollution. As trees, have the ability to retain dust and pollutants that float daily in the air. By carrying out this process, they prevent us from inhaling and damaging them. On the other hand, when the leaves fall during the fall; dust and other particles are removed and decomposed.

uses of trees Tabebuia chrysotricha

Among with the uses of trees, they reduce the noise levels.  As the trees serve as insulation from the noise that may be in the cities. So if we have a garden full of these large plants, we will largely isolate the noise that comes from outside. So it’s good to buy trees online!

Trees and Their Uses – Food Production

Finally, they produce food. As we all know, trees produce many delicious fruits that not only we taste, but other animals enjoy this advantage. In the same way of these species we can obtain other resources such as gums, rubber, fibers, resins, medicinal oils, among others.

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